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We Need 1 Million Signatures For Easy Access To Bus Schedules

On the 26th of April, we started collecting signatures across the EU in support of our European Citizens' Initiative. Join us and be among the first to sign!

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Scan QR codes at every bus stop for real-time updates on schedules, routes, and delays. We want to empower you!

Who we are

We are a group of students and teachers from different EU countries who joined together with a shared wish to make transportation information more accessible and transparent for everyone.

Photo of the group
Take a minute to make your voice heard! Sign

Why do I need to provide some personal data to sign? Down arrow

The signatures are securely collected within the Central Online Collection System of the European - Commissions. This data is only used to verify the legitimacy of the person who signed the initiative.

Which are the advantages of using QR codes? Down arrow

Installing QR codes is a user-friendly and cost-effective solution that addresses the needs of a diverse range of passengers. Accessibility for All - Cost-Effective - Rapid Implementation - Adaptability - Space Efficiency - Language Inclusivity - User-Centric - Scalability - Reduced Maintenance.

Why do we need QR codes when there are already live monitors at some bus stops? Down arrow

While live monitors are a great convenience at certain bus stops, they aren't available at every bus stop. Many bus stops, especially smaller ones, don't have live monitors. Our initiative aims to bridge this gap by providing real-time information through QR codes at all stops, ensuring that passengers have access to updates regardless of the stop's size or frequency of use.

What do you exactly strive for (on a technical level)? Down arrow

We pursue to provide transparent and free data for public buses. Open and free data on bus schedules to anyone, and in a machine-readable format, even in real-time. Furthermore, data should be accessible through APIs, and a unique identifier for each bus stop.

What happens after successfully collecting the required signatures? Down arrow

If the initiative obtains at least 1 million signatures, the European Parliament will vote on our proposal and make it happen.